New Mills Nursery

Be Safe
Be Kind
Be Inspired

Getting Ready for Primary School

We work hard in partnership with parents, carers and childcare professionals to establish what skills are useful to help children be as ready as possible for school.

Children can then be encouraged to develop these skills pre-school with simple activities like playing games and sharing books and parents who may need support with specific issues, such as their child’s toilet training or speech development, can be signposted to the appropriate help and advice.

The ‘Ready for School in Derbyshire’ keys have been included in a one-stop shop where information is also available for parents and families of children with special educational needs or a disability who may need additional support.

The 10 keys are:

  • I can settle happily without my parent or carer
  • I can tell grown-ups and friends what I need
  • I can take turns to play and share when I’m playing
  • I can go to the toilet on my own and wash my hands
  • I can put on my own coat and shoes and feed myself
  • I can tell a grown-up if I’m happy, sad or cross
  • I know that what I do and say can make others happy or unhappy
  • I am curious and want to learn and play
  • I can stop doing what I’m doing, listen and follow simple instructions
  • I enjoy sharing books with grown-ups


These keys and information including support with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), advice about toilet training, pre-school development, help with paying for childcare, nursery education and other useful links can be viewed at Ready for school in Derbyshire.

A leaflet outlining the 10 keys is available here