New Mills Nursery

Be Safe
Be Kind
Be Inspired

Book of the Week

Every week the nursery school choose a different 'Book of the Week'.  You will receive an email every Monday afternoon to let you know which book the children are reading each week.  The email will also share some ideas about activities you can do with your child to build on what they have been learning about during the week.  It may be a You Tube video, a game, a song, anything really that is fun to do together.  We also use this weekly email to pass on other useful information that you need to know.

Here is an example of a recent Book of the Week email.

Example email - Book of the Week

Dear Parents and Carers,


At long last summer has finally arrived and we will be really making the most of our wonderful nursery garden. It is minibeast season in the garden and as always, the wiggly worms have captured the children’s imagination. Hunting for worms is now a daily activity. So, what better choice for our Book of the Week than Superworm!

Superworm tells the story of a very special, resourceful and adaptable worm. Superworm is always quick to help others in distress and his kindness is rewarded when his minibeast friends rally to save him from the nasty Wizard Lizard.

Story link:

As well as being interesting little creature worms also play an important role in our gardens.

Here are some interesting worm facts:

The worms we find in the nursery garden come in many different sizes, but have you ever heard of a giant worm? Watch this fascinating video about the Gippsland Giant earthworm from Australia.

Warning: do not watch whilst you are eating your tea!

We have started learning a new minibeast song called “What a Beast.” I am sure your child will be able to give you a rendition of the chorus.

We will be rolling out worms in the playdough this week and introducing mathematical language such as ‘long/longer/longest and short/shorter/shortest.

Perhaps you could go digging for worms in your garden don’t forget to send in a photo if you find Superworm!


This week we will be focusing on the letter ‘L’ for Look. Looking is so important. We are always looking and using our eyes, but we are not always mindful about what we can see. Have a look at the world around you and really take it all in. What can you see? Can you find any tiny minibeasts living in your garden?


Please remember it is the school trip on next Wednesday 3rd July. The school is closed all day that day if you are not coming along.

Strawberry Tea

If you have not yet had chance to sign up to bring something in please use the link I sent a couple of weeks ago to let us know what you are sending in for us to sell. It is one of our main fundraising events of the year so all your support will be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Miss Inman, Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Whittaker