New Mills Nursery

Be Safe
Be Kind
Be Inspired

Meet the Governors

The Role of the Governing Board

The Governing Board take a strategic role, act as a critical friend to the school and are accountable for its decisions. It sets aims and objectives and agrees, monitors and reviews policies, targets and priorities. This includes approving the annual budget, staffing arrangements and school development priorities.

In all types of schools, Governing Boards should have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

a. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

b. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the
school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;

c. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


Terms of Reference (October 2023)

Governors at New Mills Nursery School

New Mills Nursery School has a Governing Board that consists of 12 members including parents, residents from the local community and staff from the nursery school. The current Governing Board members are:

Chair of Governors Christine Bowen (LA Governor)
Vice-Chair of Governors Elisabeth Rawson (Co-opted Governor)
Headteacher Claire Inman
Staff Governor Carole Reed
Parent Governor Pally Davies
Parent Governor Laura Keightley
Parent Governor David Nolan
Parent Governor Vacancy
Co-opted Governor Helen Bullough
Co-opted Governor Rachel Downes
Co-opted Governor Ingrid Whiteman
Co-opted Governor Vacancy
Clerk to Governors Catherine Swiffin

If you would like to contact a member of the Governing Board, then please contact Mrs Swiffin in the school office.

The Full Governing Board meet four times a year. Each Governor has a term of office lasting four years, although they can resign before the term officially ends. All Governors are required to have a full DBS check and complete a Declaration of Eligibility and a Declaration of Business Interests.

For more information about our Governors please click on the link below

Governor Membership 2022-23

Governor Membership 2023-24


In addition to the Full Governing Board, there are two Committees:

Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee (TLA)

Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee (FPP).

Each of the Committees meets three times a year.


TLA Committee 

Elisabeth Rawson (Chair)

Chris Bowen

Claire Inman

Carole Reed

Ingrid Whiteman



FPP Committee

Helen Bullough (Chair)

Chris Bowen

Pally Davies

Rachel Downes

Claire Inman

Laura Keightley

Dave Nolan


The roles and responsibilities of each of the Committees are set out in the Terms of Reference. Please follow the link to find out more.

Terms of Reference Committees (October 2023)

Lead Governors

In addition to the Committees, there is a Lead Governor for each of the following areas.

Lead Governor for Anti-Bullying
Helen Bullough

Lead Governor for Data Protection
Rachel Downes

Lead Governor for Equality
Elisabeth Rawson

Lead Governor for Health and Safety
Becky Parsons to July 2024. New Lead Governor will be appointed in September 2024.

Lead Governor for Looked After Children & Pupil Premium
Elisabeth Rawson 

Lead Governor for Mental Health
Ingrid Whiteman

Lead Governor for Safeguarding
Helen Bullough

Lead Governor for Special Educational Needs
Ingrid Whiteman

To find out more about each of the roles, please click on the link below.

Lead Governor Roles (July 2022)

Meeting Dates 2023-24

The dates of the meetings in 2023-24 are:

Full Governing Board
3 October 2023
30 January 2024
30 April 2024 (short meeting to approve budget)
2 July 2024

Teaching, Learning & Assessment Committee
7 November 2023
27 February 2024
21 May 2024

Finance, Personnel & Premises Committee
21 November 2023
26 March 2024 (including the budget proposal to present to Full GB)
11 June 2024

All meetings will be held on a Tuesday starting at 7.30 pm

Governor Attendance 2022-23

Please click the link to find out how often our Governors were able to attend the meetings held in the academic year 2022-23.

Governor Attendance 2022-23